Hi everyone!
I wanted to let you all know there are going to be some style changes coming when we get to Part 2 of the first book.
I've been doing web comics for over a decade, always in full color, all by myself. I always liked the idea of bright visuals, especially for my earlier comics. And while I don't necessarily regret that choice, it's not really my forte.
I don't enjoy the process of coloring pages, it's always a struggle and a chore. I find myself always regretting that I'll have to color a page. It sometimes even makes my work suffer, knowing that I have to color the piece at some point.
I've certainly gotten better at it over time, but if things haven't clicked for me in a decade, maybe it's time to focus up on what I actually enjoy doing! So, starting with Speak of the Devil: Wake the Dead Part 2, the comic will now be in black and white.
Now, this has required a LOT of practice on my part. It's not something I'm used to doing, but I'm excited to get into it and I've been studying as much as I can in anticipation for Chapter 2. My goal is to make it look like it's MEANT to be in black and white, and not just pages that haven't been colored yet. To use the black and white to all it's advantages.
Not only do I believe this will improve the comic going forward, I think the noir feel of the black and white pages will serve the story well. I hope you enjoy it too!